
Showing posts from January, 2023

Fun Facts About Paper

 Fun Fact Friday This fun fact friday, Let's hear some really fun facts about paper. A commodity we use in our daily lives in notebooks, diaries, etc. Nowadays we have eco-friendly paper pencils as well. Fun Facts About Paper 1. Paper was invented from hemp by the Chinese, around 100 B.C. Later, they started creating paper using other forms of plant fibers such as bamboo and tree bark. Prior to the invention of paper, papyrus served as a writing surface. 2. The Chinese also are credited with being the first people to use paper currency and toilet paper. 3. The production of the paper focuses on softwood trees that account for approximately eighty-five percent of the form. The wood pulp in softwood trees contains cellulose fibers and is most preferred since they can produce adequate strength for paper. 4. The favorable softwood trees for papermaking include pine, fir, and spruce. Trees come in varied sizes, making it difficult to establish how a single tree can produce many sheets o

Republic Day and The Freedom Fighters of India

 Throwback Thursday This throwback thursday, Let's throwback to the time of Colonisation in India and how the freedom fighters fought for our freedom! Republic Day and The Freedom Fighters of India Happy Republic Day to everyone! This is India's 74th Republic Day! I have prepared a video for everyone Celebrating the diversity and culture this Republic Day! Now let's throw ourselves back to the colonial period. The time period where Indians were enslaved, slaughtered and toubled a lot by the britishers. They were tortured and tormented by the britishers. But our freedom Fighters fought through this and bought in a revolution changing the lives of the coming generation of India who is us now living Young and free in this Liberal, Democratic Country! Here are the top 10 Freedom FIghters in who were a part of the Freedom Struggle. 1. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel (31 October 1875 – 15 December 1950) Also known as the Iron Man of India and Bismarck of India, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Pate

The powerful and Influential Laura Cha

 Women's Wednesday Today is dedicated to all the powerful and influential women around the world. This Women's Wednesday Let's talk about Laura Cha. "I hope my Asian business and woman's viewpoint creates additional value in the debate around global businesses, sustainability and diversity." -Laura Cha Laura M Cha is one of the most influential female business and political leaders in Hong Kong. She has played an instrumental role in the development of Hong Kong as a key international financial centre, and in the continuing evolution of China’s capital markets. As the first female Chairman of HKEX, Laura leads the board in setting the strategic direction and has overall responsibility for the governance of the organisation. HKEX is currently the world’s largest exchange by market capitalisation, and it has a complex global stakeholder base given its roles as market operator, regulator and public listed company. On joining HKEX, Laura established HKEX’s fir

Tips to Boost your Mental Health

  Tuesday Tips Tips To Boost Your Mental Health Amidst this hybrid situation of COVID-19 fading away and people coming back their normal lives, It has affected a lot of people's mental health. While people still trying to adjust to get back to their daily life routines, some cope up with their mental health to be back on track. This Tuesday we will focus on boosting our mental health to survive in this hybrid situation and get back to our normal life routines. These tips will help with day-to-day stress and anxiety for the everyone. 1. Make social connection — especially face-to-face — a priority Phone calls and social networks have their place, but few things can beat the stress-busting, mood-boosting power of quality face-to-face time with other people, especially those you love and people who energize you. 2. Stay active Staying active is as good for the brain as it is for the body. Regular exercise or activity can have a major impact on your mental and emotional health, relieve

Life is Like a Cup of Coffee

 Monday Motivation Hello everyone, I am back after a long time! I have started a Monday Motivation series where I will share a motivational story every Monday to get through the new week coming. Let's get motivated and enjoy our new week! Life is Like a Cup Of Coffee A group of best friends decided to have their alumni get together at the residence of one of their favorite university professor. The professor was very popular among university students and had been mentor for many of them. They finalized to make a surprise visit to professor. All planning was done and on predefined date they visited their most popular and old university professor’s house.   It was quite a happy moment for not only professor; but even for the all friends (students of professor) also as some of them were meeting after a long time. Everyone was trying to know whereabouts and the developments in their friends life after leaving college. They shared with each other, how did they move ahead in life. F