
Showing posts with the label #MondayMotivation #Inspire #newweek #behappy #staypositive

The Value of Money

THE VALUE OF MONEY #MondayMotivation #Self-worth #Valueyourself #Inspiration At the beginning of a new school year, a class teacher stands up in front of her students holding a $100 bill. She tells them, “Put your hands up if you want this money”. Every hand in the room goes up, to which the teacher says, “I am going to give this money to someone here, but first, let me do this…” She takes the bill and crumples it up in her hands, before asking, “Who still wants it?” The hands stay up. The teacher then drops the bill on the floor, stomps and grinds it into the ground, and picks it back up. “How about now?” she asks again. The hands stay up. “Class, I hope you see the lesson here. It didn’t matter what I did to this money, you still wanted it because its value stayed the same. Even with its creases and dirtiness, it’s still worth $100.” She continues, “It’s the same with us. There will be similar times in your life when you’re dropped, bruised, and muddied. Yet no matter what happens,

Don’t say something you regret out of anger

 Monday Motivation Hello Everyone, I am back after a week, presenting to you one more Monday Motivation Story to boost your week and bring that motivation back to you life! Don’t say something you regret out of anger “There once was a little boy who had a very bad temper. His father decided to hand him a bag of nails and said that every time the boy lost his temper, he had to hammer a nail into the fence. On the first day, the boy hammered 37 nails into that fence. The boy gradually began to control his temper over the next few weeks, and the number of nails he was hammering into the fence slowly decreased. He discovered it was easier to control his temper than to hammer those nails into the fence. Finally, the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all. He told his father the news and the father suggested that the boy should now pull out a nail every day he kept his temper under control. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails

Life is Like a Cup of Coffee

 Monday Motivation Hello everyone, I am back after a long time! I have started a Monday Motivation series where I will share a motivational story every Monday to get through the new week coming. Let's get motivated and enjoy our new week! Life is Like a Cup Of Coffee A group of best friends decided to have their alumni get together at the residence of one of their favorite university professor. The professor was very popular among university students and had been mentor for many of them. They finalized to make a surprise visit to professor. All planning was done and on predefined date they visited their most popular and old university professor’s house.   It was quite a happy moment for not only professor; but even for the all friends (students of professor) also as some of them were meeting after a long time. Everyone was trying to know whereabouts and the developments in their friends life after leaving college. They shared with each other, how did they move ahead in life. F