The Myth Busters Episode 2
The Myth Busters Episode 2 1. Bulls become very angry when they see the colour Red. The popular myths that bulls become angry when they see red or are unusually violent animals, comes from the tradition of bullfighting, where a matador waves around a red cape, or a muleta, and the bull charges the cape with fervour. However, it's not the colour of the cape that angers the bull but it’s the movement of the cape. We know this based on many experiments with different coloured capes being stationary and being moved and the bull favoured movement over the colour of the cape every time. We also know that bulls are actually red-green colourblind and would have a hard time distinguishing red from green, orange, and brown. 2. Mice love Cheese! If you’re trying to capture a mouse, cheese isn’t necessarily the best thing to use as bait. While it is true that mice will eat cheese, it’s not necessarily true that they prefer or even like it. Mice will ...