
Tips to Boost your Mental Health

  Tuesday Tips Tips To Boost Your Mental Health Amidst this hybrid situation of COVID-19 fading away and people coming back their normal lives, It has affected a lot of people's mental health. While people still trying to adjust to get back to their daily life routines, some cope up with their mental health to be back on track. This Tuesday we will focus on boosting our mental health to survive in this hybrid situation and get back to our normal life routines. These tips will help with day-to-day stress and anxiety for the everyone. 1. Make social connection — especially face-to-face — a priority Phone calls and social networks have their place, but few things can beat the stress-busting, mood-boosting power of quality face-to-face time with other people, especially those you love and people who energize you. 2. Stay active Staying active is as good for the brain as it is for the body. Regular exercise or activity can have a major impact on your mental and emotional health, relieve

Life is Like a Cup of Coffee

 Monday Motivation Hello everyone, I am back after a long time! I have started a Monday Motivation series where I will share a motivational story every Monday to get through the new week coming. Let's get motivated and enjoy our new week! Life is Like a Cup Of Coffee A group of best friends decided to have their alumni get together at the residence of one of their favorite university professor. The professor was very popular among university students and had been mentor for many of them. They finalized to make a surprise visit to professor. All planning was done and on predefined date they visited their most popular and old university professor’s house.   It was quite a happy moment for not only professor; but even for the all friends (students of professor) also as some of them were meeting after a long time. Everyone was trying to know whereabouts and the developments in their friends life after leaving college. They shared with each other, how did they move ahead in life. F

The Myth Busters Episode 2

The Myth Busters Episode 2 1. Bulls become very angry when they see the colour Red. The popular myths that bulls become angry when they see red or are unusually violent animals, comes from the tradition of bullfighting, where a matador waves around a red cape, or a muleta, and the bull charges the cape with fervour.              However, it's not the colour of the cape that angers the bull but it’s the movement of the cape. We know this based on many experiments with different coloured capes being stationary and being moved and the bull favoured movement over the colour of the cape every time. We also know that bulls are actually red-green colourblind and would have a hard time distinguishing red from green, orange, and brown. 2. Mice love Cheese! If you’re trying to capture a mouse, cheese isn’t necessarily the best thing to use as bait. While it is true that mice will eat cheese, it’s not necessarily true that they prefer or even like it. Mice will eat anything that has some sor

The Myth Busters Episode 1

 The  Myth Busters (Episode 1) Hello, all this is one of my series where I will be exposing myths from all over the world. Let's Get started! 1.Every living thing dies. Well, you must be thinking that I am joking here. "This is not a myth?" Well it actually is as everything living in this world does die except the one species of Jellyfish the Turritopsis dohrnii This essentially immortal sea creature reverts back into a juvenile state after adulthood so it can live out yet another life alongside its offspring! Isn't that interesting!! 2.Chameleons change colours to blend in with their surroundings. Yes, chameleons do have the ability to change colours, but the falsity here lies in why they do so. According to Wired, chameleons change colours to regulate their temperatures or communicate with other chameleons, not to camouflage themselves 3.Sugar causes hyperactivity in children Many parents will blame their children's rowdy behaviour on an overabundance of sugar,

Man vs Nature

 Hey, Guys here is another poem written by me. I hope you will like it. If you do then don't forget to comment down below how you feel it is. Man vs Nature Nature, an important person who keeps us alive and always makes us thrive Nature, an important person who gives us air and food to live and keep us good Nature, an important person who provides us with resources that we use to make porches Nature, an important person who lends us their land So we can live and be glad Nature, an important person who might get a little sad on us for misusing her land Nature, an important person who might get angry and test us with disasters like droughts and Tsunamis Nature, an important person who now we know is very important So, let's keep her safe and constant -Gandharvika Kumar If you liked it, Do let me know in the comments below!! See you guys next time Don't Forget to Check out My Travel Blog As Well @  https:traveldiariesofgandharvika//  

Is Online Schooling Better Than Classroom Learning

Is Online School Better Than Classroom Learning? Hello Everyone, Today we will be discussing if on line schooling is better than classroom learning or not? Schools are a place where children learn in a very amazing and playful manner. The people who go to school are very lucky because they can gain knowledge and knowledge is the greatest power in the world!  Amidst this situation of the Global Pandemic of COVID-19, we are having fun and attending classes from school online on different platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, and many more. But, do you think that online teaching is effective than it is when we are at school? So today we will talk about the Pro's and Con's of online teaching with comparison to school classroom teaching.  I think that online classes are less effective than actual classroom learning. When we are in school we are physically present in front of the teacher and can understand the concept and the teacher can clear the doubt without any hesitation. In online

The Spirit Of Adventure

The Spirit Of Adventure Hello, and welcome to my blog. In this blog, I have posted all my adventurous experiences and stories. In this post, I have made a poem on the Spirit of Adventure. So, let's enjoy the spirit of adventure and have fun!! Adventure,Adventure,Adventure, A time to venture. We go on trekking, we go on hiking on the beautiful hill, that makes us Thrill! Adventure,Adventure,Adventure, A time to venture. We go on a rafting  And love the boat drafting. In the clear shiny water  that makes us flutter. Adventure,Adventure,Adventure, Time to Venture.                                                                                -By: Gandharvika Kumar Don't Forget to Check out My Travel Blog As Well @  https:traveldiariesofgandharvika//